Sin embargo, a pesar de todas estas dificultades, Svana es
una de las criaturas más felices, dulces y deleitosas que yo jamás haya
conocido. Si, yo la conozco, porque "Papá John" me manda
informaciones acerca de sus problemas o sus avances maravillosos cada
pocos días, completas con fotos. Y conjuntamente con muchos otros amigos,
muchas veces la hemos sostenido en oración cuando su vida pendía entre la vida
y la muerte. Esta mañana recibí un mensaje de "Papá John":
Oramos con Svana y Zac todas las
noches a la hora de dormir. Después de la oración, preguntamos a cada uno
si quiere expresar gratitud por alguna cosa. Anoche Svana dijo: "Doy
gracias a Dios por poder jugar con Dios y sus ángeles todos los días." Como teólogo, no estoy seguro de lo que ella quiere decir con
esto, pero creo que comprendo como abuelo."
Le respondí a mi amigo John la siguiente nota:
Tu, Carolyn y Raquel han sido inmensamente
bendecidos con esta niña tan especial. Sabemos que ella sigue estando en
esta tierra porque tiene mucho que enseñarnos. Y yo pienso que Dios está
usando su pequeña voz para enseñarnos algo a todos: "Svana juega
todos los días con Dios y sus ángeles". Esto es profundo.
Ya hace 3 1/2 años que he enviudado
y lo puedo comprender. Yo juego mucho con Dios
y sus ángeles.
En estos días las computadoras nos
ayudan con casi todo... ir de compras, calculando, contabilidad, escribir, editar, almacenar e imprimir fotos, estudiar las Escrituras, hacer llamadas
internacionales a países lejanos, comunicarnos con todo el planeta via
e-mail y muchas cosas más. Así que yo paso mucho tiempo con mi computadora.
En ocasiones estoy sentado delante
de mi computadora y siento que es tiempo de tomar un respiro. Pienso que
siento que Jesús me llama a divertirse conmigo. Entonces voy al piano o a
mi guitarra hawaiiana que están en la pieza contigua esperándome... " y
me pongo a jugar con Dios y sus ángeles". Mi voz a veces se
desvanece en un suspiro... quizá de tanto predicar al aire libre... o quizá por
mi edad... pero los ángeles se unen conmigo... y las lágrimas comienzan a
fluir... ¡y las alabanzas suben al trono de Dios! Y de alguna manera Dios
se une al juego y yo sé que ya no estoy solo. Esto puede durar más de
una hora. A veces canto en inglés y otras en español u otras veces en
lenguas que desconozco. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, sé exactamente lo que
¡Oh, pienso que ahorita puedo oir Su
voz llamándome!
"Chau hermanos", les veo
más tarde!
Subject: Playing with God and His Angels
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 17:57:27 -0800
Subject: Playing with God and His Angels
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 17:57:27 -0800
I have a retired pastor friend, John
Thomas, back in Pennsylvania that has a wonderful little granddaughter named
Svana. This little child is truly a miracle. Here she is last Christmas Day
kissing her little brother Zak, who quickly out-grew her. Svana was born with
multiple serious physical abnormalities and little hope of surviving more than
a few hours or days. Over and again during the past five years she has had to
be rushed to the hospital. She has spent more time in hospitals than most of us
adults and has been operated on many times. She has lived most of her young
life attached to tubes and devices and still has to be fed supplemental
nourishment through a tube and breathes partially through a trach ventilator
device inserted in her neck... which they are praying may soon be
Yet in spite of all this, Svana is one of the happiest, sweetest and most delightful children I have ever known. Yes, I "know" her... because her grandpa "Papa John" sends an update on her set-backs and miraculous advances every few days or weeks, complete with pictures. And along with other friends, many times we have held her up in prayer when she was hanging between life and death. This morning I received this message from "Papa John":
We pray with Svana and Zak every night at bedtime. After prayer, we ask each one what she/he is thankful for. Last night Svana said "I'm thankful for playing with God and His angels every day." --As a theologian, I'm not quite sure of what she meant by that. But as a grandparent, I believe I do.
I answered John with the following note:
You and Carolyn
and Rachel have been wonderfully blessed with a very special little girl.
We all know that she is still here on this big round ball because she has
something to teach us. And I think God just now used her little voice to
teach us all something. “Svana plays every day with God and His
angels.” Now that is deep!
I have been
widowed now for 3½ years and I can understand that. I play with
God and His angels a lot.
These days
computers can help with almost everything… window-shopping, buying,
calculating, bookkeeping, editing, storing and printing photos, studying the
Scriptures, making video calls to foreign lands, communicating with the entire
globe via email and much more. So I tend to spend a lot of time with my
I am sitting at my computer and get that feeling that it is time for a
break. I think I hear Jesus calling me to have some fun with
Him. So I go to the piano or my Hawaiian steel guitar which are in the
next room just waiting for me… and I
“play with God and His angels!” My singing voice sometimes fades into
a squeaky whisper… maybe from preaching in the open air… or perhaps just from
old age… but the angels join me… and the warm tears flow… and the praises rise
to the throne of God! And
somehow God joins in the fun and I know I am not alone. This can go on
for an hour or more. Sometimes I sing in Spanish, sometimes in English
and other times with words that only He and His angels can understand. And
sometimes I, too, know exactly their secret meaning.
Oh! I think I
hear His voice calling me now!
hermano!” See you later!
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